Sample of complain letter

Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

Sample Complaint Letter to Send to a Business

When you are trying to resolve a complaint against a company, the first step should always be to discuss your concerns with a representative of the business.  Try to speak with the manager or owner, and follow up by sending a certified letter confirming all the details of your conversation.  Request a return postal receipt so that you will have proof of the letter’s delivery; and keep records of all communications between yourself and the business, including phone calls, letters, faxes or e-mails.
Below you will find an example of a letter you can use to send to the business.  If you are following up on a previous conversation, be sure to restate any assurances that were made to you at that time.

[Your address]
[Your city, state, zip code]
[Today’s date]
[Name of contact person (if available)]
[Title (if available)]
[Company name]
[Consumer Complaint Division (if there is no contact person)]
[Street address]
[City, state, zip code]
Re: [Account number or other reference to your complaint]
Dear [Contact Person]:
This letter is to [notify you {or} follow up on our conversation of {date}] about a problem I am having with the [name of product or service performed] that I [bought, leased, rented or had repaired] at your [name of location] location on [date].
I am dissatisfied with your [service or product] because [describe problem].  I have already attempted to resolve this problem by [describe attempts and actions taken].  I have enclosed copies of my records.  [Include copies of receipts, canceled checks, contracts, and other relevant documents]
Unfortunately, the problem remains unresolved.  I am hereby requesting that you:  [List specific actions you want (such as: refund, exchange or repair the item)]
Please contact me within [number of days] days to confirm that you will honor my request.  I have prepared a complaint for submission to the proper agencies for investigation.  I will not file the complaint if you resolve the problem within this time period I have indicated.
Thank you for your anticipated assistance in resolving my problem.  Please contact me at [telephone number and/or e-mail address] if you have any questions.
[Your signature]
[Your name]

Enclosure(s): [List attached document copies]
cc: [Name(s) of anyone to whom you are sending a copy of this letter]

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